Dietetics and chrono-alimentation

Dietetics aims generally to improve the eating habits and thus the health status of a person on the basis of scientific data. In the clinical setting, dietetics also aims to accelerate the healing process in an ideal way and, if necessary, to improve the nutritional status of the patient.

The study of chronobiology and its advances highlights the different biological rhythms of the human body and the major impact of their disruption. Three American researchers in this area received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017. One of its components is dietary chronobiology, on which the Leukerbad Clinic's concept of hypotoxic chrono-alimentation® is based. Many positive examples of combining conventional medicine with complementary medicine methods drove the Leukerbad Clinic to include the hypotoxic chrono-alimentation® to its treatments. The nutritional plan complements conventional treatments and optimises their results.

By reorganising food intake according to the secretion of hormones and enzymes - the messengers and workers of digestion - nutrients will be correctly metabolised, the regenerative power of the human body is strengthened and inflammatory reactions are considerably reduced.

In short, eating the right food, at the right time and in the right quantity provides what the body needs to function properly when it needs it.

The Leukerbad Clinic wishes to offer all its patients the possibility of benefiting from our nutritional approach without imposing it. Each patient is free to choose whether or not to subscribe during their stay. The stay can be seen as an opportunity to experience a nutritional philosophy and a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the quote attributed to Hippocrates:

"Let your food be your first medicine".